One of the joys of being a photographer is watching your clients grow over the years. This time I got to photograph Klarizza Senior photos which was rather exciting since the first time I photographed her she was just turning 15 which was another important milestone in her life. Now she is preparing to go off to college and of course we have to have a special Senior session just for that.

She had seen my photos done at the El Paso Rose Garden and wanted her Senior photos done there as well. We were there in the afternoon shortly before they closed the park and got multiple photos done there. The roses were in full bloom in several of the rose bushes.

There are many different varieties of roses and other flowers out at the garden which gave us several backdrops to use for her photo session.

Our second location was at another park as the Rose garden does close around 6pm. We still had plenty of light to shoot so a second location was ideal. I do like this spot since it overlooks one of the high schools football fields. We wanted to get a photo of Klarizza in her letter jacket.

Final set of photos were done in her cheer leading outfit. This young lady managed to do so much during her time in school between sports, cheer leading, working and studying hard and getting a scholarship for college. I expect great things for her and I'm looking forward to photographing her college graduation photos.
#ParklandHighSchool #Seniorphotography #ElPasophotographer #ElPasoSenior #ParklandSenior #Collegebound #Seniorphotos #ElPasophotos