I had the opportunity to photograph two couples at White Sands. One couple was stationed at Holloman Air Force Base while the second couple was the brother and his fiance that was visiting. The shoot was a partial gift from the sister that wanted an engagement session for her brother and fiance.

They were a cute couple and it was such a joy to see such young love. We shot many photos of them together but these were some of my favorites as you can feel the love in them.

I did a similar pose for both couples and figured this is a good way to transition the session to the next couple.

I then took photos of sister and her hubby. They too were such an adorable couple. I took several photos of them as well and wanted to share a few of my favorites like this one above that has a beautiful scenic view while catching her glow as she stares into her mans eyes.

With this photo I had her lean in behind him and she had a gorgeous smile. It was so great of her to plan out this session for her husband and brother.

We ended out the session with some group photos and I thought this was a cute photo. I really enjoyed meeting up with these couples and getting a chance to photograph them.
#coupleportraits #engagementphotos #familyphotos #newmexicophotographer #whitesandsphotographer #whitesandsengagement #whitesandscouplephotos