This little cutie came to visit me and was just so adorable. She had already some fantastic hair, a sweet little disposition and a family who adored her. I did some shots of her in a basket using this mohair wrap and got her all snug.

I did another one of her in a bucket using this cute little pink hat and pink bear. Covered her up with some lace gently laying on her.

Moved her to the bean bag with a white Flokati and put her in the cream mohair romper with a little crown. She also had a little bead bracelet. She was a sleepy baby for me and real easy to work with.

We did some family shots as well on another day this time with her wearing some green while the family wore white. Mama so beautiful and proud of her little bundle.

Her brother was quite a charmer and really enjoyed having him added to the session. Here he is holding his little sis you can see in his eyes how proud he is to be a big brother.

You can see how loved this little girl is by her family. I enjoyed my session with them and I hope I get to see her again to document her first year.