It wasn't too long ago that we had a Mickey Mouse Photo Shoot so of course you have to have a Minnie Mouse photo shoot as well.

I had previously picked up this outfit in hopes of one day doing a Minnie Mouse shoot and as luck had it we got a phone call asking for such a photo session.

Mamma wanted to make sure we were definitely doing a Minnie mouse session so I snapped photos of the outfit and sent it off to her.
This was one of my standard smash cake sessions so we had two backdrops. I wanted the first session to have the polka dot background with the Minnie Mouse outfit, necklace and bow.

The cake provided by Overboard Cakes came with polka dots, Minnie Mouse ears and of course a number one on it to keep with the theme.

It took very little time for our birthday girl to tear into one of those ears.

Soon she was tearing into the cake as well. Just look at those eyes.

Big sister wanted to get in on the fun too and when there is that much cake there is plenty to share.